
Here are some of the causes that lead to obesity:

Eating More Than Your Body Needs
  • Obesity comes from energy imbalance in which a person consumes more calories in food and drink than he or she burns. Genetic and environmental issues are also factors that can affect how much a person eats and how much calories are burned. 
Hormone Imbalance
  • Hormone imbalances or medications (birth control pills, anti depressants, and antipsychotics), hypothyroidism (thyroid gland works less than is expected). 
  • Physical INactivity (not getting enough exercise) which results from today's modern lifestyle. Many of our citizens' jobs are sedentary jobs which involve sitting or standing still. Many tend to involve themselves in leisure and social activities that burn few or insufficient calories. 
*Examples: Watching TV, playing video games, using computers, traveling by car instead of walking or bicycling. 

Eating Habits
  • The way we were raised to eat as children affect the way we eat now (what we eat, quantity, and the time). Nowadays, the US and other developed areas have fast food restaurants and stores that offer foods high in calories and fat. The portions of food served surpass the nutritional amounts required to maintain healthy weight. The commercials and advertisements folks see present foods high in fat, sugar, calories affecting their eating habits. Many people do not have time to create a healthy eating plan or let alone exercise. 
Other Factors 
  • People who stop smoking often gain weight
  •  Anxiety
  • Stress
  • Depression
  • Lack of sleep
  • Menopause 
  • Not loosing weight gained during pregnancy 

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